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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » At the age of 97 Doris Day Died Today. The first of three celebrities to do so? It's said death comes in threes. An old wive's tale?

At the age of 97 Doris Day Died Today. The first of three celebrities to do so? It's said death comes in threes. An old wive's tale?

Posted - May 13, 2019


  • 10486
    Although I don't believe in superstitions, I hope it won't happen.  

      May 13, 2019 12:33 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Especially this one?  I mean how are the threes counted?  I'm sure three celebs died somewhere today in the world.  Do they have to die in the same place?  What is the criteria?  I hear Betty White is on her last legs according to the grocery store trash papers.  Does she count because she is an older lady?  I don't know what three we need to fill the quota and just how long a time period before it doesn't count any more?  
    (She won't talk to me, Rosie, so I have to talk to everyone else instead) 

      May 13, 2019 1:28 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Me too Shuhak It does seem to happen within a certain number of days. And then a long stretch of no deaths. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday.
      May 14, 2019 2:38 AM MDT

  • 14795
    That's certainly how it  feels Rosie...kind if all around a week or so....I wounder if it has anything to do with hearing someone else has just died at the same age as you are ? 
      May 14, 2019 5:10 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Maybe the first death causes our antenna to pick up signals it ignored before? I dunno D. T'is a puzzlement. Anyway 97 is a nice long life. She picked some jerks for husbands though just like Debbie Reynolds did. I wonder why that is? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee!  :)
      May 14, 2019 6:17 AM MDT

  • 6098
    They were looking for men to love them and care for them but who instead used them for their fame and money.  Doris Day I guess was a real sweetheart - did you ever read her autobiography?  Which came out maybe 45 years ago.  I did though I did not appreciate their talent until I was an adult. Debbie Reynolds was a real trooper and fine performer but seemed a tough nut and though I like some of her movies I don't think I would have liked her as a person as much as Doris Day.  Both were good singers and Doris Day had a very successful singing career.  I have a 78 of Debbie Reynolds singing Its Going To Be A Long Long Winter from 1951.  And Tammy which came out the year I was born.  Didn't hear either of them until much much later. 
      May 14, 2019 6:39 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Of course it comes in threes ... because people start counting over, when they reach 3.

    1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 (oops! I mean 1)

      May 13, 2019 2:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It is within a certain number of days Walt. I don't know what that number is. A week perhaps. Now people are dying daily. It is the celebrities of whom I speak. The folks we "know". We can't know about the folks we don't know of course. And so just as we say America is all about the flag and mothers and apple pie death comes in threes to the notable. Is that always true? I have no idea. Thank you for your reply.  Do you believe in Unicorns Miracles and Happy Endings? I do. If you don't Maybe that's the why you believe as you  do and I believe as I do? This post was edited by RosieG at May 14, 2019 2:42 AM MDT
      May 14, 2019 2:41 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Old wives tale.  Had no idea she was still alive. She was once a very big singing and movie star - as popular as anyone was.  She had a wonderful smile and personality.  Her husband spent all her money and she had to go into a dumb TV show to earn it back.  The famous Charles Manson murders took place at a house where her son used to live and she thought they were actually out to kill him. 
      May 13, 2019 8:14 PM MDT

  • 14795
    I have always thought many things come in three's....bad luck from tiny nuisances to much more serious things....
    Parking tickets for instant.....I get one on very rare occasions and then a couple more...There are places where you can normally park for free and then one day you park in the same place and it's a no parking zone....Im sure they plant cars there to entice people to park and not to look for new signs....
    Councils in Engkand still fine people where the area has been deregulated....none ever refund the money they illegally steal ....
      May 14, 2019 5:17 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you honey for validating how things seem to be to me. I think things can cascade. For whatever mysterious connection there may be one thing happens and triggers several others. I don't know if you have heard of QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT D. You know I'm a fan of quantum physics. Anyway what it is is kinda spooky. Things can be zillions of miles away and yet if you tweak something here a reaction will show up very far away. Now how can that possibly be? Well maybe everything is connected to everything in some way and we just are unable to understand it. I'm always looking for connections between disparate things. Sometimes I find them and I'm content. Trying to understand what I don't is a full-time job and it's tiring. Thank you for your reply D! :) I can always count you to "get" me!  SIGH. It's real nice! :)
      May 14, 2019 6:22 AM MDT

  • 16304
    Dear God, please stop taking our legends. Give us back Bowie, Prince and Alan Rickman. You can take Trump and the Kardashians in exchange, nobody will miss them.
      May 14, 2019 5:21 AM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) Congrats m'dear! In all the years we've chatted and all the EXCELLENT answers you have contributed to my questions this is THE BEST ANSWER EVER! I wonder if God is listening? I wonder if we all forward your reply to HIM he will pay attention and get us out of our misery? Thank you for your reply R. Now we wait to see if "the power of prayer" really works! :)
      May 14, 2019 6:26 AM MDT

  • 19942
    Perhaps not.  The following day, Tim Conway passed away.  Let's see who is the third.
      May 15, 2019 9:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
      May 16, 2019 5:43 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Is there some section in HEAVEN for the three?  What THREE? 

    There are tons of people who die every day.  And Hollywood Celebrities die in droves every month.  Just because you know who Doris Day is, doesn't mean there is some heavenly conspiracy.  Like how do you determine the THREE?  I guess these guys don't count because they are not as FAMOUS as Doris Day.

    Actually, I like our NEW RELATIONSHIP much better, Rosie.  I don't have to couch  my comments to spoon-feed your sensitivities any longer.  I can just ANSWER YOU.  FINE. I WILL.

    Hollywood Celebrity Who DIED in MARCH 2019

    Hollywood celebrities who died in march 2019
    Passed Away Celebrity List
    Alessandra Panaro
    Mike Williamson
    John Starling
    Chris Reccardi
    Red Kelly
    Fatimih Dávila
    Adam Sky
    J. R. Cobb
    Barbara Perry
    Norma Miller
    Kip Niven

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at May 15, 2019 9:36 AM MDT
      May 15, 2019 9:35 AM MDT

  • 19942
    Well, the third passed away yesterday - I.M. Pei, the renowned architect.  He was 102. This post was edited by SpunkySenior at May 17, 2019 8:35 AM MDT
      May 17, 2019 8:06 AM MDT